Ray had a smile he hated and many dental problems for most of his life. After developing his master plan for health and creating the health and smile he dreamed of, Ray became an entrepreneur and started his own business. Now Ray states, "I get compliments on my smile every day."
Nancy had life long stains on her teeth that made her smile unattractive to her. Nancy planned for her future and created a smile she was proud of with veneers on her front teeth. Nancy says, “I’m so glad I can smile with confidence now!”
Mike had spent years at a dental office always repairing the next cavity and the tooth “gone bad”. Mike was sick and tired of having his dentistry this way, and he developed a master plan for his health. Mike chose to treat the cause of his disease rather than just treat the symptoms, and now he has the health and smile to match. Mike says, “It’s amazing that I can really enjoy my smile and not have problems. I feel like I’ve been given a new start!”
Doris had crowded teeth all her life. She was resigned for most of her life to live with her crooked and overlapped teeth. Doris didn’t settle for an unhealthy bite and she developed a plan to give her the bite and smile she had always wanted. Now Doris says, “I love my smile and I love how my teeth feel. I can bite and chew anything I want!”
Mary did not like the black lines on her old crowns. It made her smile stand out in a way she didn’t like. Mary made a difference for herself with a plan for her smile. Now Mary says, “I have a smile that really looks natural!”
Tom has had tetracycline stains on his teeth for as long as he could remember. For all those years he hated his smile. Tom partnered with Dr. Foltz and developed a master plan for his health that finally took care of those unsightly stains. Tom states, “I really smile big now, especially with all the compliments I’m getting. I am so glad I have a smile I really like!”
Jordan had many spaces between his teeth and wondered what would it be like to have his teeth look even with each other. Jordan chose bonding to close his spaces and now they are even. “My smile looks good and that is really cool!”
Nancy had an accident on her front teeth years ago and never liked the crowns and smile she ended up with at that time. Her gums were uneven and she had black lines around her teeth. Nancy developed her master plan for health and created the smile she had always wanted. Nancy states, “I love my smile with my even gums and natural looking teeth. I can now go anywhere and smile!”
Chris had a boating accident on Lake Lanier that left him with a missing front tooth. After some emergency treatment, Chris composed himself and developed a master plan for his smile. Now Chris says, “I love my smile. It looks just like my smile before the accident. The accident is a thing of the past!”
Ray had a smile he hated and many dental problems for most of his life. After developing his master plan for health and creating the health and smile he dreamed of, Ray became an entrepreneur and started his own business. Now Ray states, "I get compliments on my smile every day."
Nancy had life long stains on her teeth that made her smile unattractive to her. Nancy planned for her future and created a smile she was proud of with veneers on her front teeth. Nancy says, “I’m so glad I can smile with confidence now!”
Mike had spent years at a dental office always repairing the next cavity and the tooth “gone bad”. Mike was sick and tired of having his dentistry this way, and he developed a master plan for his health. Mike chose to treat the cause of his disease rather than just treat the symptoms, and now he has the health and smile to match. Mike says, “It’s amazing that I can really enjoy my smile and not have problems. I feel like I’ve been given a new start!”
Doris had crow full-width ded teeth all her life. She was resigned for most of her life to live with her crooked and overlapped teeth. Doris didn’t settle for an unhealthy bite and she developed a plan to give her the bite and smile she had always wanted. Now Doris says, “I love my smile and I love how my teeth feel. I can bite and chew anything I want!”
Mary did not like the black lines on her old crow full-width ns. It made her smile stand out in a way she didn’t like. Mary made a difference for herself with a plan for her smile. Now Mary says, “I have a smile that really looks natural!”
Tom has had tetracycline stains on his teeth for as long as he could remember. For all those years he hated his smile. Tom partnered with Dr. Foltz and developed a master plan for his health that finally took care of those unsightly stains. Tom states, “I really smile big now, especially with all the compliments I’m getting. I am so glad I have a smile I really like!”
Jeff had wanted to make a change with his smile for years. He started out with a plan that included braces to straighten his teeth. Once his teeth were straight, he then chose veneers to make his teeth the size and shape he always hoped they would be. Now Jeff says, “I can make a huge smile and feel really good about it. I love how my teeth look and feel!”
Jeff had wanted to make a change with his smile for years. He started out with a plan that included braces to straighten his teeth. Once his teeth were straight, he then chose veneers to make his teeth the size and shape he always hoped they would be. Now Jeff says, “I can make a huge smile and feel really good about it. I love how my teeth look and feel!”
Jordan had many spaces between his teeth and wondered what would it be like to have his teeth look even with each other. Jordan chose bonding to close his spaces and now they are even. “My smile looks good and that is really cool!”
Nancy had an accident on her front teeth years ago and never liked the crow full-width ns and smile she ended up with at that time. Her gums were uneven and she had black lines around her teeth. Nancy developed her master plan for health and created the smile she had always wanted. Nancy states, “I love my smile with my even gums and natural looking teeth. I can now go anywhere and smile!”
Chris had a boating accident on Lake Lanier that left him with a missing front tooth. After some emergency treatment, Chris composed himself and developed a master plan for his smile. Now Chris says, “I love my smile. It looks just like my smile before the accident. The accident is a thing of the past!”